Venice again

Peter on a gondola on his birthday
No new news recently as I was in Venice for four weeks from March 10th to April 8th. Just to let everyone know that it was not just a holiday – perish the thought - a great deal of recording and writing went on, not to mention the thousands of photos taken by Peter.
Peter was writing about soundscaping, following on from his article published in a Finnish magazine on the subject – the only one in English. Peter’s photograph of a sound sculpture in Blackpool was on the cover. We wanted to compare the sound of Venice with the recordings we had made over the years, mainly around the same dates, and this year it was much noisier. This was due to so many planes coming to and going from Marco Polo airport and what seemed like an increase in tourists. It seemed to be harder to find quiet places to record than in previous years but we need to compare recordings and analyse them. We may have to revise our Sound of Venice on the internet.
Peter celebrated his 80th birthday there with a ride in a gondola which we much enjoyed as it gave us a different perspective on the buildingsas we were so low in the water.