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See what We've pinned on HistorypinTo listen to recordings made of the
Living History team over the weekend of
July 7 and 8 2013, visit www.dogrosesound.org


Clun Valley Voices & Discovering Clun Castle

A Heritage Lottery Fund 'All Our Stories' project

Clun Town Trust MuseumHeritage Lottery Fund - Lottery funded

February 2013

The photograph shows the cartwrights workshop with two men, dressed in white shirts, waistcoats and cord trousers, standing in front of a large wooden wagon with big wheels. One man is holding a paint pot and brush in his hands.
A cartwright's workshop
February 2013

19th: work started slowly on the All Our Stories project owing to Peter’s illness. He is much better now and we are starting to get things together.
We are scanning the archive photos ready to go on the digital photoframe; we got this working but still need to explore it further – so many options.
A draft has been done of a Norman ‘comic’ for Clun School and we are waiting for comments for them.
The Norman re-enactment team are under control and we are now trying to get some musicians to come along and join in.
Difficult to get suitable information for the Castle as it was in 1300; non-response from English Heritage but trying other sources. Visit to Shropshire Archives this week.
22nd: Did not manage to get the Archives; bitter cold weather a deterrent. We made some progress with information for the Castle. Tony Carr, the retired Shropshire archivist, put us in contact with Richard K Morris who has done archaeological surveys of the Castle. Richard has responded with very helpful suggestions and will send PDF copies of the reports. Booklet by Paul Martyn Remfry (his MPhil) arrived and will be useful.
23rd: Made progress with scanning Clun Museum’s archive photos and putting captions on them after working out how to do them on Photoshop; much frustration at first.
24th: Finished scanning the first album of photos; captions need to be added. Heard today that our friends Anne-marie Summers and Thor Ewing will come on the Saturday with their medieval music and stroll around the encampment. That is good news as it will liven things up.
Getting information about Clun Castle from expert Richard K Morris; have asked if he can do a guided walk.

To listen to recordings made of the Living History team over the weekend of July 7 and 8, visit www.dogrosesound.org

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