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Awards, Grants and Sponsors

Awards, Grants and Sponsors

The work of the Trust has attracted the following awards and grants :

Novermber 2012, Clun Valley Voices and Discovering Clun Castle, A Heritage Lottery All Our Stories funded project. For oral history recordings, scanning archive photographs and putting on a digital screen, making a scale tactile model of Clun Castle as it was in 1300 and putting on a Norman re-enactment weekend.

November 2009: A grant from the Diversity and Equality Awards towards the cost of a 3D printed model of Ludlow Castle. and access for all to the Ludlow Food and Drink Festival

Sign UK 2008: Highly commended for the Avalon Marshes Panels at Shapwick Heath

'Listening to Ludlow'; an audio project funded by the Shropshire Access Partnership, 2008-9

Lottery Awards for All Grant: for an oral history project in rural Shropshire to run for a year from May 2006.

Shropshire Learning and Skills Council for a grant for a new computer and solid state field recorder, April 2004.

Heritage Lottery Fund
: grant for working with communities on audio, sound and tactile projects. Granted September 2003 and now completed.

Advantage West Midlands, Innovative Actions programme: grant for creating and running an audio course for people working in the heritage and museum sector. Granted December 2003 and now completed.

Lloyds TSB Foundation for new computers for the audio course

The Woodroffe Benton Foundation and Middle Marches Lions Club for a Swedish Telinga microphone for recording in the countryside.

"Getting the Message Across" from the National Information Forum

Arts Council of England Grant to finance the Dorcas Project

Arts Council of England Grant to finance acoustic study "Listen to this space"

Part of the team at Wolverhampton Art Gallery that won the Gulbenkian National Award as the best gallery for disabled access

Nuffield Foundation Grant to research and develop CAD (Computer Aided Design) systems for forming tactile images

Arts Council of England Grant for exhibiting the tactile images produced from the Nuffield Research

A Winston Churchill Travelling Fellowship awarded to the Trust's administrator. (The Woodroffe Benton Award)

Millennium Lottery Fund: Awards for All for Shropshire country walks and tactile plans

Shell Better Britain Campaign Grant for Access to Mitchell's Fold Stone Circle, Shropshire

Awards for All for an Audio Guide for the city of York to accompany the bronze tactile model

The work of the Dog Rose Trust has been funded by :

Guide Dogs for the Blind Association


The Persula Foundation

The Walker Trust of Shrewsbury

The Millichope Foundation

Ludlow Town Council

The TSB Foundation for England and Wales


Woodroffe Benton Foundation

ERDF - Leader II

Shropshire County Council

South Shropshire Council

Arts Council - Awards for all

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