Updates after long silence
Updates after long silenceIt has been too long since anything new was put on this page. The last entry was about the Taste Trail and that Food and Drink Festival has now come and gone and the visitors from the Beacon Centre enjoyed it so much that another coachload came to the Spring Festival in May. All our ideas worked out and a report was written and it's now time to promote the idea of a visit to other similar groups.
Work has been scarce: the Trust updated the facilities for visitors with visual impairments at Clun Museum. The work included a new audio guide with highlights in each case described; audio machines by some exhibits, bringing them alive with the use of oral history; updating and adding new material to Border Voices and A Walk Around Clun and producing copies for sale; making tactile pictures of many of the highlight exhibits together with enlarged photos and putting Braille numbers on the display cases.
A tactile plan was produced for Ryton, near Shrewsbury, Village Hall and advice has been given to Coventry for its new road scheme. This was at the request of Eric Sayce who is involved with and we had a meeting there with him.