Summer Update

A group admiring the scultpture called Gaia
Well it is almost summer although sometimes we wonder as we get drowned.
Each New Year I make a resolution to update the news more regularly and then suddenly find it is June and I have not done so. This year the excuse is that Peter had an operation on his hand for Dupeytrons Contracture (showing off now!) and that has slowed us both up as he needed to go the surgery for dressings and physio for exercises and the pain has made sleep difficult. However it is getting on well now and we are getting back to normal.
The Awards for All oral history is finished and everyone has given permission for use on the internet so we will be adding tracks to Dog Rose Sound. The interviews cover a wide range of subjects and so there is something for everyone there.
We also recorded a guided walk around the 12 transnational sculptures in the Extramuros exhibition at Ellesmere and edited this to put on Dog Rose Sound. The sculptures are only there temporarily before moving on to Spain and Portugal where some of them come from. For more information, go to to hear about all 12 of the sculptures.
We have also updated some of the sound boxes at Stiperstones for Natural England. There are now bird sounds in 3 of them, illustrating the birds that can be heard in the area.
We are just off to Belfast to go and see the model at Downpatrick which was launched last year and we have not been able to get over to see yet.
P.S. The African CD is currently being duplicated and will be available soon. We will put news of it on all the websites as we hope to raise money for the work of Intact. Communication between Ludlow and Limpopo is slow so the finished result has taken longer than we expected.