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Narrators for Walk London Audio

Narrators for Walk London Audio

Daniel Davis  and  Joanna  Welsh, who read the Green Chain Walk; they are both presenters on.South London Radio - www.south.fm. 

Without the skill and hard work of the narrators we would not have been able to make the Walk London audio versions of their walks so effective. We thought that it was time they featured on our news page. As we get photos we will put up pictures of our other narrators, Paul Saunders,and Paul Rew . 

 Richard Derrington and Janet Dale who read the London Loop, Thames Path and Jubilee Walkway. They are both experienced actors who have done much radio work, including The Archers. They have both worked with the Dog Trust on other projects, including workshops to produce audio for Coalport China Museum and A Sound Picture of Ellesmere.  Gil Sutherland who  narrated much of the Capital Ring.  Gil, who has had a long and varied career in theatre, television and films, worked with the Dog Rose Trust on the audio guides to Hardwick Hall and Highbury, Joseph Chamberlain's house in Birmingham.                                          


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