Happy New Year
Happy New YearBest wishes for 2011 to all!
We hope that things will improve in the next year or two as 2010 has been the quietest year for the Dog Rose Trust since we started. Little seems to be going on in our field. What there work there is completing things that have been held up for various reasons.
The model of Leominster Grange is at last being cast in bronze after a lengthy hold-up owing to planning problems. We went to Castle Fine Arts near Oswestry for the delivery of the wooden model by Robert Munn of RG Model Services to discuss the casting process. We had hoped to see the work at different stages but the heavy snowfalls put a stop to that. Instead photographs were sent for our approval. It is hoped that it will be completed in late January.
As we have said, we went to the In Touch with Art conference at the V&A in London and showed the 3D printed model of Ludlow Castle. We attended some of the sessions and although there were good speakers t unfortunately little new was put forward; we heard much the same things as we had been hearing over the past twenty years. However, a Conference Resolution was worked out to be presented at European Day of People with Disabilities on 3 December in Brussels which we hope will have some results.
We have produced a CD about Ludlow Festival funded by an Equality and Diversity Grant. The highlight of this is an interview with William Holland of La Becasse in Ludlow. Will is a rising star of fine food and La Becasse is among the 50 top restaurants in the UK among many other accolades and awards. If you would like a CD or know anyone who would like one, please contact us. Or the recording can be found on www.dogrosesound.org.
Another Eyesight continues to sell and produces interesting correspondence with people in other countries, the most recent being Greece.