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Downpatrick and other Models

A bronze three dimensional model of the old Gaol at Downpatrick, complete with Braille, stands in the courtyard of the museum.
The completed model
Downpatrick and other Models

The model has been delivered and was installed in October. Unfortunately we could not go to the launch as we are giving a presentation to the Heritage Lottery Fund in Birmingham. Photographs of it will be put on the website as soon as we receive them.

However, we will go over in the new year and meet the group of visually impaired people we met before and get their comments. On the same visit, we may give a talk to the architecture students at Queen's University in Belfast.

We have also been asked to draw up a design with costs for a bronze model in Wymondham, Norfolk. This will go forward for funding and we hope that this can be achieved. Wymondham is a most attractive market town with many medieval buildings, friendly people and a great market. There are also the splendid remains of the abbey, which is also still a working church.

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