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Audio for Walk London

The picture shows, through eleborate black and gold wrought iron gates, the magnificent historic buildings of the Old Naval College at Greenwich on either side of the Queen's House, which is further away. In the background is the hill of Greenwich Park with the Royal Observatory high up on the right.
Greenwich - a World Heritage Site
Audio for Walk London

Walk London has now put audio versions of three of its walks on its website: the London Loop, Capital Ring and Lea Valley Walk. These walks have been scripted and recorded by the Dog Rose Trust and they can also be found on the Dog Rose Sound Website. Photos of some places on the walks will be put on the site soon.

The audio opens up the walks to a wider range of users and it is hoped that many more people will get out and enjoy the many attractions that London has to offer. These range from World Heritage sites such as Greenwich to almshouses, abbey ruins, well cultivated allotments, stately homes, landscaped parks and Victorian sewage systems. On the way you will meet friendly people, local characters, traditional pubs, fashionable restaurants and all day breakfast cafes in shipping containers.

The walks are designed to be taken in large or small chunks and there is plenty of public transport around to get you home. Buy a one day travel card and you can hop on and off buses and tubes as you want.

The walks, through parks and old woodlands, are also designed to show that London is one of the greenest and most historic cities in the world, so give them a try sometime.

Maps of all of the walks can be downloaded from the Walk London Website - www.walklondon.org.uk

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