A Polish Visitor to Ludlow
![]() Maggie explores the column at the front of the Buttercross in Ludlow | A Polish Visitor to Ludlow Since the last update the Trust has been busy working with Maggie Galbarczyk from Poland and enjoying her company. Although Maggie studied with our friend Bob Marek in Lublin, by a huge coincidence she came to Ludlow on an Erasmus placement with Vision Homes, just across the road from Greenacres where we live. Bob had no hand in this, but of course was delighted when he heard. Maggie is a psychology student and her placement is working with the service users at Vision Homes. Together we have visited Sight Village and the Museum in Ludlow to get her advice about making the museum more accessible to people who are blind and visually impaired. We have taken her on a tour of the town after she had heard Listening to Ludlow and wanted to see and hear the places described. We ended the morning with a well-earned lunch at De Greys, Ludlow's famous traditional tea rooms.
Maggie has been on a Georgian Group outing and finished the day with a drink in an 18th century Temple of Diana at Weston Park, lived in by a friend of ours.
Discussing the differences between the lives of blind people in Poland and England has been very interesting and perhaps we are not doing so badly here after all, although there is much room for improvement. We have been working out routes together so that Maggie can get herself to work, to the bank and the supermarket and to our house in Greenacres.
We are delighted to say that Maggie has found everyone very helpful, from Lloyds TSB and Somerfield’s supermarket, to the bus drivers and the workmen repairing the gas mains near where she is staying. Let’s hope that this continues. |