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See what We've pinned on HistorypinTo listen to recordings made of the
Living History team over the weekend of
July 7 and 8 2013, visit www.dogrosesound.org


Welcome to The Dog Rose Trust

The Dog Rose Trust is an innovative charity which works to make all environments accessible to people with visual and other sensory impairments. The Trust is committed to the use of Universal and Inclusive Design and Communication and the Multi-Sensory design. This site will tell you more about the work of the Trust.


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'Another Eyesight'

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"An individual may have an impairment which can be physical, sensory or intellectual, but their disability is caused not by that impairment, but by the way society is organised."

Article 27.1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights

The Dog Rose Trust is a registered charity, number 1053263

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